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Kube OBLV Stack

The Kube OBLV Stack is a software stack that is specifically designed to be deployed on Kubernetes environments. It uses multiple components and configurations to make managing cloud-native applications easier and more scalable.

The Kube OBLV Stack simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of applications on Kubernetes clusters. It accomplishes this through a variety of operational tasks such as continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), networking, load balancing, and DNS management.


The configuration of the Kube OBLV Stack is managed via Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes used to simplify the deployment and management of applications. Below is a description of the configuration command:

helm install oblv-deploy-stack oci://${AWS_CURRENT_ACCOUNT} \
--version 0.1.0 \
-n kube-system \
--set oblv-deploy-chart.enabled=true \
--set ec2-chart.enabled=true \
--set \
--set ec2-chart.serviceAccount.create=false \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.enabled=true \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.serviceAccount.create=false \
--set \
--set external-dns.enabled=true \
--set external-dns.provider=aws \
--set external-dns.txtOwnerId=${CLUSTER_NAME}-external-dns \
--set external-dns.domainFilters[0]="" \
--set \
--set external-dns.serviceAccount.create=false \
--set external-dns.policy=sync

The command line above is described in the table below:

helm install oblv-deploy-stackInitiates the installation of the Kube OBLV Stack.
oci://.../kube-oblv-stackSpecifies the OCI image repository hosted on AWS ECR in the eu-central-1 region.
--version 0.1.0Sets the version of the stack to 0.1.0.
-n kube-systemDeploys the stack within the 'kube-system' namespace.
--set oblv-deploy-chart.enabled=trueEnables the OBLV Deploy chart.
--set ec2-chart.enabled=trueActivates the EC2 chart for managing EC2 instances.
--set the operation region for EC2 chart to eu-central-1.
--set ec2-chart.serviceAccount.create=falsePrevents automatic creation of a service account for the EC2 chart.
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.enabled=trueEnables the AWS Load Balancer Controller for managing load balancing.
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME}Associates the controller with the specified Kubernetes cluster.
--set the service account for the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.serviceAccount.create=falseDisables creation of a new service account for the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
--set external-dns.enabled=trueEnables External DNS to manage DNS records dynamically.
--set external-dns.provider=awsSets AWS as the DNS provider for handling DNS management.
--set external-dns.txtOwnerId=${CLUSTER_NAME}-external-dnsAssigns ownership of DNS records to a specific cluster entity.
--set external-dns.domainFilters[0]=""Restricts DNS management to the domain ''.
--set the service account for managing DNS records.
--set external-dns.serviceAccount.create=falseIndicates that a new service account should not be created for External DNS.
--set external-dns.policy=syncSets the policy for DNS record synchronisation to 'sync', meaning it will update as changes occur.

What's Next?

For additional information about Kube OBLV Stack, access the Installation and Setup page.