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Auxiliary Commands

This reference page provides information about specific commands you can use during the installation and setup or deployment processes. These commands are divided into the following categories:

Each command includes usage instructions and expected results to assist you during development and debugging.

kubectl Commands

List All Pods

This command lists all pods in all namespaces, helping you monitor the status and presence of all pods in a Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl get pods -A

List All CRDs

Displays all Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) available in the cluster.

kubectl get crds

Describe a CRD

Provides a detailed description of a specific CRD, including its configuration and status in the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl describe crd <CRD-name>

Find Controllers

Lists all pods (abbreviated as 'po') across all namespaces. Use this command to locate all active controllers and other pod-based resources.

kubectl get po -A

List Nitro Enclave Deployments

Lists all Nitro Enclave deployments in a specified namespace, displaying status, age, and readiness.

kubectl get ned -n <namespace>

The additional information of each Nitro Enclave provided by the kubectl get ned -n <namespace> command, is listed and described below:

  • Ready: Number of enclaves that are up and running out of the total requested replicas.
  • Age: The age of the Nitro Enclave cluster.
  • Status: The overall status of the deployment. It can return two options:
    • ERROR: Occurs when the cluster fails to meet prerequisites for scheduling, such as errors during manifest file creation. To diagnose the cause of the failure, execute kubectl describe ned <deployment-name>, and further debugging can be performed using controller logs.
    • SCHEDULED: Indicates successful scheduling, with the controller initiating the creation of required enclaves.

List Nitro Enclave Instances

Returns detailed information about Nitro Enclave instances within a specified namespace, including instance ID, private IP address, enclave status, and manifest sync status.

kubectl get ne -n <namespace>

The information of each Nitro Enclave provided by the kubectl get ne -n <namespace> command, is listed and described below:

  • instanceID: The EC2 instance holding the enclave.
  • privateIPAddress: Private IP Address of the EC2 instance holding the enclave.
  • nitroEnclaveStatus: Status of the enclave instance, which can be one of the following options:
    • PENDING: Waiting for the enclave to come up.
    • RUNNING: All the services in the enclave are up and running.
    • ERROR: Enclave services have gone into an error state, or the enclave is unreachable.
    • INPROGRESS: The enclave is up, and the required containers are being created.
  • manifestSyncStatus: Status of the Manifest sync procedure with the enclave. The following are the possible statuses:
    • PENDING: Waiting for the enclave to come up.
    • SUCCESS: Manifest has been synced successfully.
    • FAILED: An error occurred while syncing the manifest with the enclave.

Get the Configuration File

Retrieves the config.yaml file for a specific deployment, directly from the specified controller pod.

kubectl exec -i <controller-pod> \
 -n <controller-pod-namespace> \
 -- cat /tmp/configs/<deployment-name>_<deployment-namespace>_config.yaml

Retrieve Controller Logs

Fetches logs from a specific controller within the given namespace. Use this command for debugging and monitoring the controller's operations.

kubectl logs <controller-name> -n <namespace>

List Your Deployments

Lists all current Nitro Enclave deployments, providing a quick overview of deployment names, readiness, age, and status.

kubeclt get ned

The table below presents an example of the information you will receive in your terminal after running kubeclt get ned.


List Your Enclaves

Shows details of all running enclave instances, including their names, instance IDs, private IP addresses, Nitro Enclave status, and manifest sync status.

kubeclt get ne

The table below presents an example of output with two running enclaves:

Number of enclaves

Depending on the manifest configuration, the number of enclaves can be different from the number of deployments.

Helm Commands

List Installed Charts

Displays all Helm charts installed across every namespace, aiding in tracking and management of Helm deployments.

helm list -A