Getting Started
Installation and Setup
To use OBLV Deploy, you will need to install the Kube OBLV Stack. The Kube OBLV Stack is an umbrella Helm chart that you can install onto your Kubernetes cluster. By installing this chart, you will have all that OBLV Deploy needs to run smoothly.
This page content is for administrators who want to deploy an application with OBLV Deploy. If you are a user and want to connect to a deployed application, refer to the Making an Attested Connection guide.
Install Kube OBLV Stack
To install Kube OBLV Stack, you need to follow the steps below:
Be sure that you have completed the steps presented in the Prerequisites before proceeding with the installation of Kube OBLV Stack and OBLV CLI.
- Login to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | helm registry login --username AWS --password-stdin
- Install Kube OBLV Stack with Helm package manager.
helm upgrade -i oblv-deploy-stack oci:// \
--version 1.2.1-alpha \
-n kube-system \
--set oblv-deploy-chart.enabled=true \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.enabled=true \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.clusterName={EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} \
--set aws-load-balancer-controller.serviceAccount.create=false \
--set \
--set external-dns.enabled=true \
--set external-dns.provider=aws \
--set external-dns.txtOwnerId={EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-external-dns \
--set external-dns.domainFilters="{}" \
--set \
--set external-dns.serviceAccount.create=false \
--set external-dns.policy=sync
If you're not familiar with the configurations used to install the Kube OBLV Stack, you can access the Kube OBLV Stack reference page, where each property and configuration used in the code block above is explained.
If you need help understanding the installation process, you can use the list of helpful commands for the development and debugging process available on the Auxiliary Commands Reference page.
What's Next?
After finishing configuring Kube OBLV Stack, your cluster environment is ready for deployment. Access the Deployment page to continue with the Getting Started guide.