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The First Steps


What's OBLV Deploy?

OBLV Deploy ensures data security during its computation by using secure enclaves to provide isolation and attestation to the application. OBLV Deploy is a confidential computing solution that employs AWS Nitro Enclaves and Kubernetes to provide a secure and streamlined solution to process information. Learn more about our solution here.


Quick Start

Learn how to use OBLV Deploy. You'll discover how to install all the necessary requirements, deploy an enclave with your application, and securely connect to it from anywhere. If you're an admin who wants to deploy your first application with OBLV Deploy, start here. If you're a user looking to connect to a deployed application, refer to these instructions.


Core Concepts

Learn about the core concepts behind OBLV Deploy that will help you understand working with OBLV Deploy's solution.

Confidential Computing

Confidential computing is a security enhancement that protects data by isolating it in hardened environments and leveraging infrastructure attestation to gaurentee the software being executed.

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Nitro Enclaves

AWS Nitro Enclaves are the native confidential computing framework provided by AWS. It provides isolated computing environments within Amazon EC2 instances by securely partitioning CPUs and RAM.

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Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

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Internal Architecture

Learn about OBLV Deploy architecture, exploring its essential components and the internal enclave configuration.

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User Guides


Getting Started

Find detailed information about every step taken in the getting started quick start, including code snippets and explanations of how to connect to ECK clusters, and setting up the required controllers.

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OBLV CLI is a specialised tool designed to manage secure connections and configurations for applications operating within secure enclave environments. Learn the purpose of each command in our CLI.

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Manifests are used to declare configurations for applications and services in a Kubernetes cluster. They are vital for defining resources, version control, automation, cluster management, and customisation and extensibility. Learn how to set up your manifest file.

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Auxiliary Commands

Find information about specific commands you can use during the installation and setup or deployment processes. Each command includes usage instructions and expected results to assist you during development and debugging.

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