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Manifests are the centrepiece of how you control your deployment to enclaves in OBLV Deploy. They generally follow native Kubernetes manifests, with a few small tweaks to configure the nuances required for secure enclave deployments.

When writing an OBLV Deploy manifest, it's useful to keep in mind the general structure you'll be following:

Instance and Network Configuration: Specifies the AWS EC2 and network settings for the deployment.

instanceTypeType of AWS EC2 instance.
subnetIDAWS subnet ID.
keyNameAWS EC2 key pair name.
securityGroupIDsList of security group IDs.
internetFacingBoolean flag for internet exposure.

Deployment Settings: Defines the scale and access settings for the enclave deployment.

replicaCountNumber of enclave replicas.
serviceDomainNameAccess domain for the cluster.
tlsCertificateTLS certificate details: includes secretName and secretKey.

Enclave Configuration: Configures the specifics of the enclave, including containers and plugins.

containersConfigure properties like image, ports, environment variables, and volumes.
outboundConnectionsSettings for allowed outbound connections, including fqdn, redirects, port, tls.
pluginsSetup functionalities like auth, logging, and proxy, including ports, volumes, outbound connections, and security settings.